I am a software engineer based in Ahmedabad, India, currently working for Kinome on the development of a social VR application called Traverse and Unreal Engine cinematic video renders. I have experience in developing games, animations, and virtual reality experiences using Unity and Unreal Engine. I have a strong skill set in these game engines and have worked on a variety of projects, including an arcade game displayed at the 'Shall Make, Shall Be' exhibition at Federal Hall, New York. In addition to my experience in the gaming industry, I also have four years of experience in automotive sensor software development with Valeo. I am a versatile and skilled software engineer with a passion for creating innovative and engaging experiences.

My Skillset

Work Samples

Click here to view images of the game at 'Shall Make, Shall Be' exhibition at Federal Hall.

Metahuman character animation

Unreal Engine map design

Fade In Animation for Title screen

Animations for all Button States

Pop up window animations

Firefly particle effect

Avatar Spawning particle effect

Switching VR Locomotion System settings

Object activation event

Activation event between two objects

Interaction between two objects

Socket implementation